Nashville Center for Trauma and PsychoTherapy PLLC

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New Year, Same You.

“By being yourself, you put something beautiful

into the world that was not there before.”

-Edwin Elliot

As we start this new year many of us make resolutions to create major change in our lives. The reality is that often times by the second week of January we have already "failed" because we did not keep these lofty promises to ourselves. I would like to propose a different way of approaching the new year. Instead of this idea that we need to be a new version of ourselves, how about we try to improve the already fabulous version. I believe making a shift in our mindset and how we talk can create major differences in how we feel. If we view ourselves as somehow flawed or broken then we will feel hopeless. If we can shift our viewpoint to one of wholeness paired with a growth mindset we are off to a great start to feeling hopeful.  

A person only truly fails if they never try. If you resolved to give up all sweets and ate a candy bar on January 3 that does not make you a failure. That means that you are capable of making healthier choices and have proven success for a few days in a row. This is great. Let's celebrate all successes, big or small, and give ourselves a break. This new year let’s resolve to be kinder to ourselves. A little self-compassion goes a long way in shifting our perspective. Once we begin to see ourselves in a more positive light we will naturally make healthier choices and experience more success in relationships.

Happy New Year to you. 

Authored by Dr. Heather Alesch